Frequency, or Hz, is the number of times the AC TIG arc switches between electrode negative and electrode positive in one second. Miller’s Dynasty™ 300 DX inverter-based TIG power source permits adjusting output frequency from 20 to 250 Hz. Conventional TIG machines have a frequency fixed to that of the 60 Hz primary power.
Increasing the frequency narrows the shape of the arc cone and increases the arc force. This stabilizes the arc, reduces arc wandering and provides excellent directional control over the arc. On lap and T-joints, using a higher frequency lets you establish the weld puddle exactly at the root. This can ensure good penetration, control bead width and minimize the etched zone. With a 60 Hz output on fillet welds, the wider arc dances from plate to plate. The puddle starts at the toes of the weld and flows toward the center. On some joints, you’re almost compelled to over-weld to ensure penetration at the root.
Read aluminations TIG articles (download pdf files):
Issue 5
– When you control the shape of an AC TIG weld bead, you control profitability.
Issue 2
– How to TIG weld thin aluminum, adjust balance control and determine amperage requirements.
Issue 1
– See if an inverter-based AC/DC TIG machine that incorporates advanced Squarewave technology can improve your operation.
Information courtesy of Miller Electric
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