The microprocessor is playing a larger and larger role in the life of everyone. These little chips are helping us pump gas, monitor patients in hospitals, operate washing machines, tell time (quartz watches); they are used in smart cards, robots, the omnipresent microcomputer, industrial controls, remote controls, in calculators, video recorders… and of course welding equipment.
When microprocessor technology was first introduced in welding equipment, it seemed almost futuristic. But today that future is here, with thousands and thousands of job sites relying on the technology to help simplify complex welding processes (like pulsed MIG) and provide equipment features never before available.
Vocational schools, always striving to provide their graduates with “real world” skills, have recognized the importance of training with both microprocessor-based and traditional welding equipment. Here’s how technical colleges and high schools in southern Illinois and the St. Louis, Missouri area have integrated the technology with great success.
Further Article Sections:
Belleville Area College Attracts Attention of Area Businesses
Two High Schools Find Microprocessor Machines a Boost to Their Courses
Sidebar: Cost/Benefit Analysis of Microprocessor Technology
Information courtesy of Miller Electric
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